Diocesan Education Secretary
Welcome to the department of Education Page.
The diocesan education department was created in the year 2002 five (5) years after the establishment of Kitale Diocese in the year 1997. The diocese of Kitale then was covering Trans Nzoia, Turkana, West Pokot counties and also part of Elgeyo Marakwet, Bungoma and Kakamega counties. At that time there were 12 secondary schools, 57 primary school and 6 vocational training Centre. Before the creation of Lodwar Missionary area in 2007 and the Diocese of Kapenguria in 2002 the number of institutions had grown to 45 secondary and 93 primary schools and 11 Vocational training centers. Currently, ACK Kitale Diocese sponsors 26 secondary, 40 primary schools, and 6 vocational training centers which include one technical training institute (Endebess Technical Training Institute, E.T.T.I).
The following have served as Education Secretaries: Rev. Andrew Tanui (2002-2005), Mr. Christopher Sang (2005 to 2008), Rev. Peter Chege (2008 to 2017), and currently Mr. Nathan Ayah (2017 to date).
The spiritual need of the institution is taken care of by the chaplains (in most of the schools, the Parish Priest). The church has tried much to invest in education to have wholesome ministry that will transform the mind, the body and the soul which is also geared to liberating an individual from illiteracy, ignorance and poverty. Education also acts as a vehicle that is used to reach out to the learners and the community with the gospel of Jesus Christ Anglican institution are therefore part of the mission of the church.
The department operates under the Diocesan Board of Education and Social Services and Education Committee that oversees the implementation of departmental activities.
Our vision
To develop a well-educated and trained society, fulfilling God purpose on earth
Our Mission
To equip Gods people with knowledge, skills that will transform the society with gospel of Jesus Christ.
- To safeguard and influence spiritual nurturing in the institution of learning.
- To build up capacity of leaders for effective management of the learning institution.
- To improve and develop infrastructure in the church owned and public sponsored institution.
- To establish Diocesan Academies.
- To establish Diocesan scholarship programs for the needy learners.
- To work with community to in the establishment of new schools in the unreached areas
- To strengthen the chaplaincy in the learning institution.
Activities of the Department
- To coordinate education and training programs in the sponsored institution.
- To coordinate and plan for spiritual growth in the sponsored institution.
- To spearhead the development of Anglican institution. At all level of learning.
- To establish linkages in the ministry of education and Teachers Service Commission
- To organize capacity building seminars.
- To mobilize the community in the provision of school infrastructure.
- To organize education week day
- To ensure adequate and effective representation in sponsored schools Board of Management.
Secondary Schools
- Kitale School Girls
- Philip’s Tuuyokony
- Andrew’s Sukwo
- Monicah Gitwamba
- Teldet Secondary School
- Michael Kikwamet
- Joseph’s Kibagenge
- Stephen’s Namanda
- Patrick’s Waitaluk
- James Amagoro
- Emmanuel Wehonya
- Andrew’s Baraton
- Luke’s Taito
- Augustine Munyaka
- Paul’s Kiriita
- John’s Makutano
- Andrew’s Kapchepsir
- Andrew’s Osorongai
- Mark’s Boys Cherangani
- Philip’s Surungai
- Mark’s Girls Cheragani
- Andrew’s Sibanga
- Philip’s Kipsoen
- Bishop Alexander Muge Girls
- Paul’s Kitum
- Kitale International School
Primary Schools
- Kitale School
- Stephen’s Mitambo
- Waitaluk
- Amagoro
- Emmanuel Wehoya
- Toror
- Joseph Kibangenge
- Kitale Union
- Siambe Primary
- Tuuyo Koony
- Berur
- Bwala
- Baraton
- Sukwo
- Gitwamba
- Teldet
- Kipsagam
- Kikwamet
- Namanda
- Surungai
- Munyaka
- Kiriita
- Makutano
- Happy Valley
- Kipsingori
- Kapchepsir
- Tulon
- Kiptenden
- Kuriot
- Bishop Alexander Muge
- Kipsoen
- Mirembe
- Osorogai
- Sosaplel
- Kipsikirok
- Toywandet
- Kapkeke
- Kipsiroko
- Cheptumbelio
- Kapsogom
Church Owned Institutions
- Stephen’s Moi’s Bridge
- Wiltam Memorial Academy
- Immanuel Kapcheluch
Private (Owned by church members)
- Baraka Umoja
- Neema Academy
- Limos Education Centre
- Sukwo Academy
- Dekko Academy
Vocational Training Centres
- Kwanza
- Kapchepsir
- Turbo Munyaka
- Chesito
- Kiptiroko
- Kipsikrok
Technical Training Institution
- Endebess TTI

Strategic Plan For our sponsored schools
Bishop Muge Girls sec. school Strategic Plan