The first training for clergy & lay readers was held on 28th January 2020 to 1st February 2020, at St. Luke’s Pro-cathedral Kitale.It was hosted by Diocesan Bishop Rt. Revd Dr. Emmanuel Chemengich and facilitated by; Revd. Richard Morgan-Rector Church of the Good Samaritan USA; Revd. Morey Andrews-Rooted in Jesus Organization,UK; Rev. Capt. Benjamin Kibara-Ack Diocese of Butere; Revd. John Eldiridge- Rooted in Jesus Organization. Topics covered were; Introduction for Group Leaders and Making Disciples (Book 1). 137 delegates attended
Am very greatful for stragies of Our able Bishop ,Clergy and the staff for good programs and organizations aimed at developing our Diocese, spiritually ,socially,economically and above all mentorship aimed at developing an all-round Christians within our Diocese. God bless you we shall support you by all means. From All saints Endebess .
Thank You Anthony for your Support. God Bless you!