Men’s Ministry – (KAMA)

Rev. Apollo Osaha – Coordinator

From inception in 2001, and with commissioning of the first men into the Men’s Ministry (Association) in 2003, then referred to as the Fathers Association, the ministry has continually remained significant in the general mission of the Church in the Diocese of Kitale. Men have remained steadfast and key players in supporting the activities of the church. Being a critical pillar in the Church, the men’s ministry is described by its objectives and core values which are promoted through outlined programs and ministry activities.

Besides, the Men’s ministry in Diocese of Kitale is organized through a leadership referred to as the Diocesan Council patronized by the Diocesan Bishop, an elected chairperson and coordinator to ensure the ministry effectively functions in achieving its mandate. The leadership is further devolved to critical administrative and mission unit, e.g., Archdeaconries, Deaneries, Parishes and local congregations.

The devolved structure not only achieves the purpose of effective functioning and implementation of men’s programs but significantly ensures that men are visible enough in the mission of the church.

Core Statements

Motto: As for me and my household we will serve the Lord (Joshua 24:15)

The Vision Statement: Caring Anglican Men boldly proclaiming Christ.

The Mission Statement: To equip Men to transform the Family, Church and Society through the gospel

The Ministry Objectives

  • To promote spiritual empowerment
  • To promote Christian family and marriage values.
  • To promote economic empowerment
  • To encourage social community service and partnership
  • To enhance education and training.

Department’s Core Values

  • Godliness
  • Integrity
  • Honesty
  • Faithfulness
  • Accountability
  • Fairness
  • Resourcefulness


Diocesan Men’s Ministry has achieved several milestones from inception in 2001 as highlighted below:

  • Through annual recruitment of men into the department we have 500 commissioned men across the Diocese
  • We also have strong leadership structures at the Diocese, Archdeaconries, and Parishes
  • We have an established active and functional office which runs the day-to-day activities and programs
  • Developed in 2022 a guided, roadmap, strategic plan and implementation blue print
  • We have focused ministry programs which help us in achieving the department goals
  • We have outreach programs and activities which promote the departments’ aspirations
  • We have besides the Provincial men’s attire, in 2022 we established diocesan outfits which give us identity home and away
  • We have mentorship programs for the boy child as a means of raising more men into the department
  • Provincial, Regional, Diocesan, Archdeaconry, Deanery, Parish and Local church networking
  • Interdepartmental networking within the Diocese
  • Regular and routine follow up programs and activities

Men’s Ministry Programs activities:

The Men’s Ministry has set the following ten-point program activities:

  • Resource mobilization: To raise the funds needed to run the Men’s ministry and its programmes including the 10-point program activities.
  • Scholarship and needy support of the boy child: Too many boys in our communities within the Diocese are unable to achieve the educational aspirations and career development, because of poverty and expensive nature of education in the country. As a results the men ministry has identified as a need and established a scholarship fund to intervene for 70 needy boys across the Diocese.
  • Mobilization of men in the Diocese: To Strengthen the men’s Ministry in the diocese of Kitale by continuous recruitment of new men. This is achieved through mobilization of men at Archdeaconry, Deanery and Parish levels.
  • Seminars and trainings: To ensure efficiency in service, the ministry has rolled out a program for capacity building for: leaders, Men’s chaplains’, and trainer of trainers (TOTs).
  • Events and Occasion: The Men’s ministry has lined up the following events to promote its mission: Evangelism, Men’s symposium and rallies, visitations, church planting, schools’ ministries, Parishes and homesteads.
  • Conventions and Conference: To enhance spiritual empowerment and deeper discipleship among men, the ministry organizes annual conventions, monthly rallies and fellowship at all its mission unit.
  • Income generating project (IGA): To achieve financial stability and realize all the men program activities, the ministry is planning for an income generating project which will not only raise funds but also address some critical social welfare programs in the Diocese e.g. the first identified IGA is the hearse.
  • Sports and Competition: For the purpose of bonding among men sports and evangelism and by extension mentoring the boy child into responsible men, the ministry has organized sports activities throughout the year.
  • Boy child mentorship programs: For posterity men aim at raising a generation of boys into men for future church and men ministry, through several mentorship programs.
  • Alternative rites of passage programs: To deal with negative cultural practices, the men’s ministry has rolled out alternative Christian rites of passage for those transiting from primary to high school and those transiting from high school to colleges as well as programs for young adults.

Our Challenges

Our challenges emerge from our own SWOT analysis. While we are visibly present across the Diocese, and while we have many opportunities that could be tapped into the ministry, and while there is potential for further growth and development of the ministry, there are obvious shortfalls and limitation for the ministry to function more strongly.

  1. Our programs significantly struggle with finances and other important resources to facilitate our ministry.
  2. While we have outreach programs and activities, we experience transportation and mobility challenges
  3. We also have the challenge of exclusivity of some men because of doctrinal stance on cultural problems such as polygamy

KAMA Conference at St. Mark’s Boys sec. school Cherangany

KAMA members